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Kate’s debut collection is a tale of self-discovery. Delving into her past to analyse and embrace her neurodivergencies. Sometimes heart-wrenching and difficult, sometimes glorious and life-affirming, always about acceptance.

As an aphantasic poet, it is about much more than creating a visual image for Kate. Her poetry lies in the sounds, tastes and touch that she experiences; the emotions that come from all senses. With sublime natural lyricism, and joy in wordplay, rhyme and alliteration, her slam poetry comes to life on the page. Sitting alongside beautiful form and free verse poetry, it is a marriage of the soul.

Kate’s poetry will have you looking inward, while she holds your hand, showing you how to accept yourself to ultimately become Un/Broken.

30 Neurodiversity Poetry Writing Prompts: NaPoWriMo

In 2023 Kate completed the National Poetry Writing Month Challenge of writing a poem a day in April. She created her own writing prompts. These prompts are reproduced here with her own poetry as examples. You are given spaces to create your own poetry in response to these prompts. Kate also offers her thoughts and insights on her own Neurodiversity and different way of thinking.

Get your pocketbook of prompts by clicking on the button below.


Penny Aspden, Director of Coaching Services at Distinctive People, speaks to Kate Jenkinson.

The power of poetry and curiosity – The Creative Pursuit Podcast

Kate talks about the power of poetry, creative writing and science and curiosity on The Creative Pursuit Podcast with Scott Edwards and Adam Birkett.

This is the podcast that embraces the importance of creativity in all of its forms and the role that it plays within our daily lives.

Marie speaks with Dr. Kate Jenkinson about her journey from Scientist to HR Professional to poet. As someone with Aphantasia, Kate invites us to a greater curiosity about others and how we experience our world. This can lead to a much deeper understanding of self and others, which impacts every area of our life, work and relationships.